Anti -drug education "net" campus rule of law is not "poison"

Red Net Moment News April 25th News(Correspondent Li Xuan and Chen Wei) In order to further enhance the awareness of adolescent drugs, anti -drug, and drug rejection, strengthen the prevention of drug prevention education on campus, and protect the physical and mental health of young people.Community workstations and Hunan Province, Xinkaipu, forced isolation and detoxification, entered the Qingyuan Primary School in the area, and took a vivid special course for students.
Police officer Zhang Wenhong, a new opening of the new shop, preached the knowledge of anti -drugs for teenagers.
During the event, Police Officer Zhang Wenhong, a newly opened shop forced isolation and detoxification, explained to students the definition, type, harm and preventive knowledge of drugs through PPT display and video playback.And harmfulness, focus on how young people effectively prevent drugs and consciously resist drugs, educate and guide students to strengthen their alerts for foods and medicines that are unknown.Deep in the heart, the consciousness of staying away from drugs and consciously resist bad behavior.Police Officer Zhang also interacted with the students in the form of on -site questions. The students actively raised their hands to answer questions. The atmosphere at the scene was warm.In addition, community staff issued anti -drug and prevent sexual assault publicity materials, guide young people to understand and be alert to various potential safety hazards, and learn to protect themselves.
Students carefully read anti -drug and anti -sexual assault publicity materials.
“I am the children of the Chinese nation, do not forget to shame, resolutely fight against poisonous devils. Cherish life, refuse drugs …” At the end of the event, the students raised their right hands, clenched their fists, and gave a solemn anti -drug oath.The entire classroom.Students have stated that they must strive to be good teenagers in the new era, keep in mind the vow, study hard, and promise to penetrate the anti -drug knowledge they have learned into daily life and study, actively participate in anti -drug propaganda, and spread the knowledge of anti -drugs to friends and loved ones.Become a “little guard”.
The president of Qingyuan Street Anti -Drug Branch said that the event not only raised the awareness and prevention of drugs for adolescents, but also further promoted the in -depth development of Qingyuan Street’s anti -drug work.In the next step, the branch will continue to jointly strengthen the education of anti -drug education with more social resources to create a safe, healthy and happy growth environment for young people.