Dialogue Agronomy Journal Editor -Researcher Yang Yang, Researcher Yang Yang, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Interview with characters in this issue,Agronomy The journal was very honored to invite a visiting editor of the special issue “CLIMATE Change and Agriculture -Sustainable Plant Production” -Researcher Yang Yang, an Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.In this interview, Teacher Yang shared with us hot research topics about the soil ecology field, and made suggestions on the future development of the Agronomy journal.




Yang Yang researcher

Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dr., researcher.Focus on the ecological and soil of ecological barriers in the Loess Plateau, and engage in the research of organic carbon circulation in climate change ecology and soil microorganisms.He has won the top ten graduate students in the country, the National Congdong Grass Industry Science Award, the National Scholarship, etc.; Selected as the “Youth Promotional Council member” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, youth member of the Chinese soil Society, and the “Youth BR” plan of the Institute of Floor./Youth, provincial and ministerial level, the talent project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the National Key Laboratory Cultivation Fund.以第一/通讯作者身份发表论文40余篇,包括Global Change Biology、iMeta、Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Carbon Neutrality 等国际主流期刊,其中5篇SCI 入选ESI 高被引论文,1篇SCI 入选热点论文,1 SCI was selected into the scientific frontier section.Won the second prize of 2024 Shaanxi Province Natural Science and Technology (ranked second, 2/4).Three of the works are published in cooperation, serving as the editor -in -chief of the Journal of Science of the Total Environment and Plant and SOIL; IMETA, Carbon Neutrality, Journal of Plant Ecology, and the Journal of Foan Journal.


Interview content

Q1: Can you please briefly introduce the current main research direction?

A: I mainly engage in the research of soil ecology, focusing on the ecological and soil science problems of ecological and soil science in the ecological barrier area of the Loess Plateau, and also engaged in the research of organic carbon circulation of climate change ecology and soil microorganisms.


Q2: Can you briefly introduce hot topics in the relevant research fields in recent years?

A: Maternity circulation and energy flow are important guarantees for the normal operation of the entire ecosystem. The energy exchange between ecosystems and nutritional levels is the basic model of interaction.We know that the soil is the largest carbon library of the land ecosystem and an important link of the input and output of carbon connecting carbon. The microorganisms in the soil have mediated multiple carbon cycle processes.And soil microorganisms will generate various carbon sources in various metabolic activities. These carbon sources are both material foundations and energy sources.For example, soil microorganisms need to consume energy when decomposing macromolecules into small molecules. The energy consumption process is essentialEssenceAt present, only a few studies are considering the use of heat consumption of energy flow to realize soil microbial substrates or energy utilization efficiency, return on investment in the process of resource acquisition, and maintenance of microorganisms related to carbon utilization.Therefore, the focus of the future is to pay attention to the energy flow and metabolic process of microorganisms (including microbial residues) in the process of soil carbon cycle.


Q3: You are right Agronomy What are the evaluations and suggestions for journals?

A,:,Agronomy The overall article of the journal is high, and I hope that the journal will continue.In addition, I think the journals can appropriately invite outstanding scholars in the field to comment on the hot articles of the journal and publish them in relevant media channels.In addition, journals can also participate in international academic exchanges and further publicize journals to scholars worldwide.


Q4: As one of the guest editors of “Climate Change and Agriculture -Sustainable Plant Production”, what do you think of the establishment of the special issue?

A: The special issue is based on the theme of agricultural climate change, which not only involves agricultural direction, but also closely combines climate change.Secondly, the intersection of the special issue is relatively strong, not only reflects the cross from the theme, but as far as the visitor editor team of the special issue is concerned, several of our guest editors come from different scientific research institutions in different regions.Diversified, the article also covers the disciplines in all directions, reflecting the cross -disciplinary.On the whole, while special issues are keynote and scientific significance, it also reflects the cross nature of different disciplines. It is a relatively comprehensive special issue.


Related special issue

Climate Change and Agriculture — Sustainable Plant Production

Edited by Jinlong Dong, Junjie Lin, Yang yang, zhongxiu sun and nazim s. Gruda



Agronomy Journal introduction

Editor: Peter Langridge, University of Adlaide, Australia

The type of article includes research articles and reviews in the field of agricultural and agricultural ecology. It has been included in multiple databases such as Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Scopus.


2022 CITESCORE:5.2

Time to first decision:15.8 Days

Acceptance to publication:2.4 Days

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