Beijing: The ecological environment is good or bad, wild animals come to "speak"

Wild duck lake

Raptors enter the peak of migration

Recently, the wild Yahu Lake Wetland Nature Reserve is lively and extraordinary. There are groups of red -footed red -footed, peaks, hunters, etc., and the scenes are spectacular.Monitoring data shows that at the end of March this year, Yoya Lake ushered in raptors and other raptors. At present, they entered the peak of migration. It is expected that the entire migration process will continue until June.

Raptors are roughly divided into two types: daily linearity and nightling.In recent days, the day -to -day rogue on the wild duck lake is particularly noticeable.White -tailed sea carvings, black carvings, hunting hunter, 鹗, red -footed, peaks, black kite, cousin bee eagle, white -bellied 鹞, kuáng (kuáng), ordinary 鵟, etc.Open his arms to soar at high altitudes, sometimes the two wings are raised in a low -empty air, looking for prey in the woods, sometimes falling in the grass, drinking water and resting.

“Large -scale raptors come to the wild Yahu to transfer, indicating that the biodiversity of this area has reached a certain degree, forming a small food chain.” Fang Chun, a staff member of the Nature Protection Office of Yanqing District, said that the activity of the raptor further proves that the Wild Yahu Lake Wetland further provesThe environment continues to improve.

捕 Put up prey in Yahu Lake.Photo by Wang Xin

Miyun Reservoir

Bird Island welcomes birth trends of birth

A family on Bird Island.Ma Yue Photo

The Bird Island of Miyun Reservoir has recently ushered in a wave of birth. Birds such as 鸬鹚, heron, big egret and other birds have broken out of the shell.It is expected that by the end of this month, there will be more than 4,000 shell -breeds on Bird Island.

In Meng Xia, the Miyun Reservoir was rippling and green.Close to the Observation Point of the Bird Island in the southwest corner of the reservoir, I heard the sound of birds that rose on the opposite Bird Island.Looking up, the trees and branches on the Bird Island, in the countless bird’s nests, the furry chicks are waiting to be fed.Some dived to the nearby water to prey, and the scene was very lively.

“In February, we inspected a group of herons to Bird Island. It was the first bird to return to Bird Island this year. The prelude to the return of migratory birds.”According to the introduction, in March and April, birds on Bird Island entered the breeding period. Around April 15th, the first batch of chicks from the shell broke were found.stage.”It is expected that starting next month, the young birds will follow their parents to learn to prey. When the migratory birds start to migrate south in August and September, they have mastered a certain survival skills and will fly south.” Mencius lobby.

Bird Island of Miyun Reservoir is located in the southwest of the reservoir, with an area of about 165 acres, of which about 83 acres of the distribution area of the bird’s nest distribution. In recent years, a large number of birds have inhabited and reproduced here.

Wang Qun, deputy director of the Water Ecology Office of the Miyun Reservoir Management Office, introduced that there are about 2,600 bird nests on Bird Island, and about 3,000 birds.Birds can reach more than 4,000, and currently breeding on Bird Island is mainly three birds, such as 鸬鹚, heron, and big egrets.The island conducts key protection. In addition to the necessary situation, all unrelated personnel are prohibited from going to the island.

Birds are the “barometer” and “vane” of the ecological environment.Monitoring data shows that as of the end of 2023, the Miyun Reservoir area was found and recorded 235 birds.From the monitoring of the Bird Resource System in Mi Yun Reservoir in 2019 to the end of 2023, the Miyun Reservoir area has added 45 kinds of birds.

Cuihu Wetland

You can fly without the slap, you can really fly

The gray head from a distance.

How much can a bird without a slap?Yesterday (21st), the reporter learned from the Bird Ringzhi Workstation of the Wetland Park in Cuhu Lake National Urban Park that when the spring birds were working in spring, the station recovered a gray head (wú) that has been by the ring.It comes from Mongolia.

This gray head looks similar to the sparrow.Gray Tower is distributed in eastern Asia. The northeast and central parts of my country are its breeding areas, and south of the Yangtze River is its wintering area. In Beijing, forest land, wetland grass, reeds and other habitats are common in Beijing. There are a small number of wintering individuals.

“We found that this gray head has been wore a metal logo ring on his right foot. We checked the Bird Ringzhi Center in the country. It turned out to be from Mongolia.Standing around the “Ring” “Cuihu National Urban Wetland Park Bird Ring Workstation staff introduced that this female gray head is the first time in Beijing to recover the ring -shaped bird species of other countries.This recovery, as an important record of the migration dynamics of the gray head, provides a reliable basis for studying the ecological distribution and migration law of the bird species.

Since its establishment in 2014, the Bird Ring Workstation of the Cuhu Lake National Urban Wetland Park has reached 15 meals and 37 families and 120 species of birds. As of the spring of 2024, a total of 373 birds have been re -regulated, including brown -headed crow and silver throat long.Owa sparrow, swamp sparrow, gray -headed green woodpecker and so on.One of the female star -headed woodpeckers, the first time the Tourism time was September 30, 2014, and was recovered on September 30, 2022. It is the most long -lasting bird from Cuhu Lake Wetland to recovery.There is also a male yellow throat, which was first recovered on October 15, 2015, and was recovered in October 2017 and December 2019. It can be described as regular customers of the Cuhu Lake Bird Huanzhi Workstation.”These recycling information indicates that the birds in the Cuhu Lake Wetland Park have a good life in the natural state, and the biodiversity of the park has steadily improved. It has become many migratory birds overwintering and breeding places.” The relevant person in charge of the Haidian Wetland Wild Protection Center introduced.