Scientific and technological innovation makes condiments more flavor and safer

As consumers’ requirements for health and quality are increasingly improved, my country’s condiment industry is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges.Recently, the “2024” The 15th China Confinement Industry Development Summit Forum “was held in Jining, Shandong Province.Experts from colleges and universities and heads of enterprises sharing research and development results, negotiating cooperation and docking, and promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.Participating experts said that the healthy and prosperous development of the condiment industry not only requires speed, but also quality.In the context of the increasingly fierce market competition and the continuous renewal of products, the condiment industry must keep up with the times, and constantly introduce new and develop healthier and delicious products to meet consumer needs.Innovation leadership is a key factor to promote the high -quality development of the condiment industry. School -enterprise cooperation is an important way to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological innovation.

Flame demand to drive industrial transformation and upgrading

People use food as the sky, and food is the soul.Seasoning is in a key position in food processing technology, and is the main factor that determines the quality of food flavor.Participating experts shared research results from the aspects of flavor improvement, helping condiments more delicious.”At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes are in the ascendant. At this key node, we must realize that innovation -driven is the core competitiveness of the country’s development. For the condiment industry, if you want to occupy a place in the global market,It is necessary to keep up with the pace of the times, strengthen technological innovation, promote industrial upgrading, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and help new technologies, new processes, and new products to achieve new breakthroughs.

“The flavor directly determines the product grade and technical content of the food and catering industries.” Cui Chun, an associate professor of the School of Food Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, said that MSG, nucleotide, HVP, starch sugar and other traditional flavoring raw materials competition and production capacitySaturated, urgently need new flavor enhancers to improve the quality of traditional flavored base materials and improve the technical content.At present, globally, various multinational companies have increased their investment in the research and development of new flavor modifiers and applied for a series of related international patents.Among them, umami enhancers are one of the most widely used flavor compounds. It has the effects of enhancing the strength strength of traditional umami compounds, extending the duration of umami, and improving the characteristics of umami.Cui Chun’s research team has studied the preparation methods of a variety of new umami enhanced agents, and prepared cinnamyhydrazide, laurel acidocyric acid, and hermeamide derivatives.The salty, umami and sweetness of food.In addition, new types of salty enhancers such as acetylcetic acid and lactic acid germine, and new salty enhancers such as butyl -bipphenylapine, and new bitter shielding agents such as lactic acidized amine, and fatty acid.

Exhibitors display soy sauce filtering equipment samples Gao Jiaozheng

Dr. Zhang Wentao, a member of the Li Jian team of Beijing University of Technology, introduced a kind of food ingredients that enhanced the flavor -corn fermented sauce powder.Speaking of the original intention of research and development, Zhang Wentao said that the reasonable control of salt intake is particularly important to maintain good health.After replacing salt in food processing or reducing salt, the flavor of the product will be reduced. If the flavor enhancer is used with sodium salt, it can make up for the flavor attenuation and strengthen the sense of taste.”The main mechanism is to activate the taste receptor of the mouth and the tongue through flavor matter, thereby making up the shortcomings of the decrease in salty taste to reduce the reduction of sodium salt.”

Soy sauce originated in my country and has a history of more than 2,500 years. It is an indispensable condiment in the family cooking, catering and food industry.”But the current condiment brewing technology in my country is still in a relatively backward stage. It has long -term technical problems such as unstable quality and low brewing efficiency.” According to the “Application of Application, it is mentioned that as people understand the concepts of health, nutrition, and safety in their diet, they have become more and more understandable, and their understanding of soy sauce has gradually enriched. High -quality soy sauce has become the greatest pursuit of ordinary people.The development of soy sauce key brewing microorganisms is an important means to improve my country’s traditional brewing food.By comparing the growth of various microorganisms in the high -salt penetration environment, the team screened the CS3 of Pottery Cobacteria, and found that it had obvious inhibitory effects on the conversion of adverse flavors and corruption microorganisms.

New equipment and new technologies build the bottom line of industrial security

With the development of science and technology and the pursuit of high -quality foods, new technologies and new equipment are continuously applied in the production of condiments. Especially in the field of equipment manufacturing, universities and research institutes continue to manage, mechanization, automation, and automation, automation, automation, and automationIntelligent equipment has emerged endlessly, and its industrial development has become increasingly prominent, making seasoning more safer.

For soy sauce, the high -salt thin -state process has gradually replaced the low -salt solid -state technology, the joint steaming equipment is gradually replaced by NK cooking tanks, a disc curing machine, and the 200 cubic meter glass fiber reinforcement can gradually replace the 60 cubic meter glass fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber.The application of new processing technologies such as high -voltage average processing and ultrasonic treatment is being studied in soy sauce … Gao Xianli, an associate professor of the School of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, said that the current production of soy sauce is more automated, precise and intelligent.A better, better flavor, richer nutrition, and more clearly functional, meet the needs of different occasions and consumer groups.During the fermentation of soy sauce, the source of key flavor compounds, formation mechanisms, changes, interaction and regulation technology, and human flavor perception mechanism will be the key research and development direction to promote the development of soy sauce.

A 赭 o A (OTA) is a colorless crystallization compound with high chemical stability. It has high accumulation efficiency in the food chain transfer process, increasing food pollution and health hazards to humanity.Because OTA produces bacteria widely distributed in nature, many crops and foods including grain, condiments, and soy products have risks of OTA.Zhang Wei, Dean of the School of Life Sciences of Hebei Agricultural University, showed a new detection method in the report of “Based on Catalytic Hair Electrochemical Mathematical Sensor Detecting Equipment Sensor A” Edemyllarian Sensor A “——DNA biosensor.”It is a sensing device that can transform the existence of DNA into detectable signals. It can detect the target DNA through the conversion of sound, light, and electrical signals.” Zhang Wei’s research direction of the team is food quality and safety.Detection and control, in recent years, the construction of DNA biosensors and the research work of harmful substances in the test of foods in foods. The research team will be cleverly designed to be a suitable ligand, G-four chain, DNA pedal, and DNA self-assembly.The combination of technology is to achieve large signal levels, which greatly improves the sensitivity of toxins.”This method can be developed into a detection kit, which is used in toxin detection. Users can complete the detection as long as it is simply added according to the instructions, which is very convenient.” It is very convenient. “

School -enterprise cooperation accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological innovation results

How to apply scientific and technological innovation achievements to industry?”To achieve this goal, school -enterprise cooperation is the most efficient and direct measure.” Li Jun, chairman of the Hebei Provincial Confinement Association, said.

Li Jun explained that colleges and universities play an important role in innovation and leadership, with rich resources, including libraries, laboratories, advanced scientific research equipment and professional research teams, while companies have product innovation needs and rich marketsResources, production practice experience and other advantages.”Through school -enterprise cooperation, resource sharing and advantages can be complementary, promote technology research and development and innovation, accelerate the transformation and application of scientific research results, and also help to cultivate high -quality talents that adapt to the development of the condiment industry, promote the standardization and standardization of the condiment industry industryConstruction.

Zhang Wentao introduced that corn fermented sauce powder has jointly developed and produced with Ningxia Yipin Biotechnology Co., Ltd.. The main products are cleaning labels. It is based on eating corn starch as the main raw material.Separation and purity can be obtained.At present, the product has been listed and is widely used in the production of soy sauce, sauce, etc.

During the event, Tianjin University of Science and Technology and Youyou (Qingdao) Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. reached a consensus on the “R & D and Application of Pottery Corrosion” and signed a cooperation agreement.

Lu Fuping, president of Tianjin University of Science and Technology and chairman of the Chinese Micro Biological Society brewing branch, said that Tianjin University of Science and Technology and the Chinese Microbiology Society of Science and Technology will continue to adhere to four aspects, focusing on scientific and technological exchanges, results conversion, transformation of results such as condiments and other brewed industries.Talent training and other work will further improve the scientific and technological level of the condiment industry and meet the nutritional and health needs of the people.It is reported that Tianjin University of Science and Technology has a national key discipline of the “fermentation engineering”, which has good basic research and support conditions in traditional fermented food brewing process analysis, food flavor material composition analysis, microbial fermentation technology and other aspects.A number of related technologies such as dry yeast have reached the international leading level. In recent years, 5 national awards such as the National Science and Technology Progress Award and the National Technology Invention Award have been awarded, and a large number of high -level professional and technical talents have been delivered to the industry.

For details, please refer to “China Food News” (4th version of June 6, 2024)

Capture, beauty editor: Sun Mengyang

Review: Ouyang Meihua
