The first "Chinese Catering Supply Chain Category TOP List" was released!

In 2024, the catering officially entered the 5 trillion times.

The industry’s chain rate has soared, the Matthew effect has intensified, and the industry competition has been upgraded.

As the key to driving chain, the supply chain has become the focus of attention of all brands and the core of competition competition. It has also become the biggest topic in this chain catering era.

This is not only the age of the rapid development of catering, but also the golden decade in the development of food industrialization.

Over the years, there have been many excellent source factories in the supply chain.

However, at the moment, there are still large information barriers to the catering supply chain, and many supply chain companies are “not good at expressing”, and it is difficult to screen for a public supply chain.

In order to break the supply chain information barriers and let more good products find professional buyers,“Chinese Catering Supply Chain Chain TOP List”Breaking born.

600000+ votes trust, 100,000+catering people follow

The first “TOP List of Catering Supply Chain Products” was officially released!

In order to find a truly excellent source supply chain company, this year’s “China Catering Supply Chain Chain TOP List” has made a comprehensive assessment of the supply chain enterprise from the five dimensions:

Corporate strength(Company size, development, factory situation)

Innovation lead(Persist in continuous innovation and lead the development of the industry)

Product building(Adhere to high standards and have strong stability)

Service capabilities(Starting from the needs of customers, serve customers in depth)

Popularity(Voting popularity, industry reputation consensus)

Among them, the four dimensions of the company’s strength, innovation leadership, product building, and service capacity are evaluated by the professional judges. Members include senior practitioners such as supply chain experts, procurement experts, supply chain founders, and founders of chain food companies.

And the popularity of popularity, there is a brother’s supply chain in “Have a meal chainWeChat Mini Program has carried out a 20 -day popular voting activity. In just 3 weeks, a total of 100,000+ catering people participated in interaction, and the cumulative number of votes was as high as600,000+, these votes are derived from the trust of supply chain companies, which is a direct manifestation of the industry’s reputation for many years.

Excellent source supply chain inventory

26 Category, 500+source supply chain enterprises successfully on the list

Comprehensive five dimensions, the organizing committee is excellent.

In the end, the 26 major category, the 500+ source supply chain company was successfully on the list!

In order to help catering people understand these excellent source supply chain companies more efficiently, some brothers have highly subdivided the supply chain roots according to the category, andCore explosion/focusing category/service brandCombing and displaying.

Due to space limitations, we cannot display all the information in the article. Please get to “Have a meal chainView the applet.

Below, let’s go through these 26 major categories one by one and take stock of these 500+ source supply chain companies.

Composite seasoning TOP40

Continue focusing on refinement and use data to lead the trend

If it is said that in recent years, which supply chain category has developed the fastest, it is probably a composite seasoning category.

Catering is essentially a business -like business, andCompound seasoning is the “soul” of the tasteEssence

In recent years, composite seasoning companies have deeply cultivated data and scientific research, and cracked the topic of taste from the data dimension.

With data blessing, they discovered the commonality of explosive models, cracking popular passwords, and predicting the development of taste development.

These composite seasoning supply chain companies leading the industry have become the “taste support expert” behind the chain brand.

Below, let us witness the composite seasoning supply chain top40:

Hotpot base supply chain top15

Highly standardized micro -innovation

Hot pot is the largest category of Chinese catering, and the bottom of the pot directly determines the flavor of hot pot.

In such a highly mature category, all consumers have aware of good hot pot, and the standards of all practitioners are naturally raised.

For suppliers, this undoubtedly put forward higher requirements and challenges,How to make micro -innovation on the basis of classic flavors, how to discover regional characteristics, how to excel in each processing link, how to select and optimize each ingredients, how to accurately control from costThese undoubtedly constitute the key to all hot pot suppliers.

It can be said that the suppliers of the hot pot base are “masters”. Let’s witness the top15 that stands out of this height curling:

Hotpot ingredients TOP15材

Breaking product manufacturing, the heat is constantly hot

If consumers will repurchase because of the hot pot base, the heavy responsibility of customer acquisition must be handed over to the ingredients.

Hot pot ingredients have always been a concentrated birthplace of explosive models, such as “North Sea Black Tiger Shrimp”, “thin cut beef tongue”, “Emei Dragon Beard bamboo shoots”, “Northeast Black Bean Flower” … all hold the traffic password tightly.

It can be saidExcellent hot pot ingredients supplier, all industry experts produced by explosive productsEssence

The following 15 hot pot ingredients supply chain enterprises, each has its own “housekeeping product”. Let’s find out:

Prefabricated vegetable TOP50

The wind and waves, ride the wind and break the waves

Since last year, prefabricated dishes have received great attention from the entire industry and even the national consumers.

National boom, big coffee enters, consumer cognitive changes, definition adjustments …

From everyone to the label of prefabricated dishes to more companies, “this label” this label, and to more companies to choose rational views, it can be said that the development of prefabricated dishes is still very long.

But on one side is the “red right and wrong” in highlights, but the other side is the booming development of prefabricated vegetable companies. They deeply cultivate products, dig deep into market demand, focus on raw materials selection, and create one leading industry standards.Fully recognized hot products.

Below, let’s take a look at these excellent pre -production supply chain companies that have been farming:

Lamb supply chain top15

Industry upgrade, quality breakthrough

my country’s mutton supply chain has always been in a relatively contradictory state.

The degree of industrialization is relatively low, the whole sheep industry chain is still difficult to fully connect, the product hinges are relatively simple, most of the regional processing technology is not high, the scale is not large, and the market acceptance is relatively average.

But my country has very high -quality mutton products, and the pure grassland sheep is among the best even worldwide.

However, market contradictions always exist, and consumers with good lamb to reach are still relatively limited. How good raw materials become good products also need market expansion.

The following 15 excellent lamb supply chain companies have been deeply cultivated in the industry for many years, and have a sufficient basis for breeding and processing. If you are looking for high -quality lamb products, you may wish to find out here:

Pork supply chain top15

Go forward with weight, value upgrade

2023 is definitely the “dark moment” of all pig companies.

Wen’s shares are expected to have a net loss of shareholders in 2023 to 6 billion-65 billion yuan; the market value of Muyuan shares has evaporated by more than 200 billion yuan; Zhengda withdrawn from the Shanghai Stock Exchange listing …

Although the revenue is difficult and the price is difficult, the supply chain companies of these heads are still seeking breakthrough innovation.

As a basic and stable raw material in the national consumption and catering industry, the growth space of its amount is relatively limited. Therefore, the rise in value has become the key. Higher cost -effective pork products, more topical raw materials, will be more popular in the industry, such as because of because of becauseThe “Golden Six and Two”, which is too precious and high, has become the first choice for quality catering.

Below, let’s take a look at the source of pork source supply chain companies that lead the industry in China:

Beef supply chain top30

The demand rises, “good goods” is hard to find

Compared with the “sufficient supply” of pork, beef has always appeared in the state of supply gap.

The demand has continued to increase, the quality requirements of consumers and demand are constantly rising, and the price of beef has risen, and high -quality beef products are difficult to find.

As consumers’ demand for high -quality beef/fresh beef rises, beef products continue to be new, evenHigh -quality beef has become the “drainage weapon” of the storeEssence

Whether it is local breeding or import trade, there are actually very good companies and high -cost products. Let us witness the extraordinary beef supply chain top30:

Poultry supply chain top25

Accelerate subdivision, deep dig value

Poultry has always been a relatively mature industrial chain in my country. The following companies are also called “famous”.

As the basic raw material, the application of chicken is relatively stable. It is an important raw material for Western fast food, powder noodles, prefabricated dishes, and barbecue. Therefore, how to conduct in -depth development of raw materials, such as “developing refined parts for roasting products, for Western fast foodThe exploration of materials and presentation methods has become the direction of supply chain companies.

In addition to being able to bring us stable chicken supply, their poultry products can also bring us a lot of “breakthroughs”:

Edible bacteria supply chain top15

“Treasure” raw materials, the application scenarios are constantly expanding

Looking back at the popular trend of catering in recent years: value, umami, healthy attributes.

These tags are perfectly intertwined with edible bacteria.

As a category that has risen rapidly in recent years, edible fungus is being loved by more consumers, and it is also selected by more brands as the best choice for creating explosive products.

There are many categories of edible fungus, and there are many supply chains and miscellaneous supply chains. Therefore, we have selected TOP15 supply chain companies that deeply cultivate catering and deeply empowerment:

Seafood and aquatic supply chain TOP30

Expand category cognition, “safe” becomes industry keywords

In 2023, it is also a year when the aquatic industry has experienced turbulent. Japan’s “willful” sea emission is affected how much aquatic supply chain companies, as well as catering companies related to it.

However, we also accidentally found that the heating speed of the market is better than expected, but at the same time, consumers have put forward higher requirements for the safety requirements of aquatic products.

Seafood and aquatic products have always had the characteristics of high value and high development space, so we believe that the excellent supply chain companies and catering brands in the future still have great co -creation space.

Below, let’s take stock of the leading TOP30 supply chain enterprises in the seafood and aquatic industry:

Rice noodle grain and oil supply chain TOP20

Not just the basic raw materials, but also as a store explosion

Catering people’s perception of rice noodles and oils is under great upgrade.

As the basic raw material, more catering people have paid attention to cost performance before;

However, with the improvement of consumers’ awareness of food safety, more brands choose head brands, and as one of the elements displayed by the outside world;

At present, the better rice products can even become a brand’s explosive product directly.

As a five -usual rice of Northeast Geographic Mark products, it has become a “killer” for grilled fish, pig feet and other categories.

As a basic raw material, consumers have formed a cognition, so it is easier to generate value recognition.

Below, let’s take a look at the excellent rice noodle food and oil supplier top20:

Dining snacks snack TOP10

Pull up the unit price, universal “explosive product increase”

A few years ago, snack products appeared more as a single product.

However, with the upgrading of the market in the market and the difficulty of surviving snack shops, more brands have begun to choose to introduce snack products into the store as “additional” products.

Snacks come with explosive attributes, and can effectively increase the unit price of passenger. What’s more valuable is that it can be paired with various catering formats and scenes. Whether fast food or dining, hot pot or noodle restaurants, snack products can be “perfectly adapted”.

Below, let’s take stock of the snack supply chain top10 to the store:

Powder supply chain TOP20

Industry competition upgrades, cost -leading from the supply chain

In 2023, Chinese fast food entered the fast lane, and the powder category also ushered in its own rapid growth.

The competition between powder noodle brands has entered the stage of heat -heating. Basically, head brands have appeared in various categories. Instead of using product thinking, they will no longer use product thinking to compete, but they will be card positions from price bands.

This puts forward higher requirements for the front -end supply chain. Only under the premise of ensuring quality, realizetotal costLeading can the brand take the lead in competition.

Below, let us count the more powerful TOP20 supply chain companies in the noodle track:

Barbecue supply chain top15

Standardized upgrade, Efficiency Revolution

As the second largest category of catering, the barbecue industry has been trapped in the two major problems of efficiency and standardization.

These two issues not only bother the chain brand, but also the supply chain practitioners of all barbecue categories.

The high efficiency and high standardization of breakouts have become the direction of the struggle of each barbecue supply chain person. With their efforts, more high -standard and high -quality explosive products have begun to enter the market, which also allows the rapid growth of the future barbecue industryBecome possible.

In addition, the barbecue category is also used as a snack, extending the “+barbecue” mode.

Below, let’s take stock of these cracking industry problems and continue to produce excellent supply chain companies that continue to produce explosive products:

Kimchi supply chain TOP10

The root of Sichuan cuisine, the soul of explosive product

Many people know that Douban is called the soul of Sichuan cuisine, but few people know that kimchi is called “the root of Sichuan cuisine.”

In recent years, the popularity of kimchi has been rising, with the wholeThe “sour taste” market is rising rapidlyEssence

When the taste of the consumer market is getting closer to heavy oil and heavy salt, the refreshing and greasy sour taste naturally receives more attention, and the unique kimchi products have also begun to be followed by more chain food companies.

Let’s take a look at the unique survival, as the industryLeadKimchi supply chain top10:

Western -style fast food supply chain top20

The market is accelerated, and the supply chain innovation continues

Western -style fast food is one of the top categories of my country’s chain rate. Both brands, markets, and supply chains are highly mature.

But in the past two years, the market has begun to have a number of new brands “curve overtaking”.

Everyone has found that in this mature market, using the supply chain for micro -innovation has become a “optimal solution” for rapid growth.

The high degree of maturity of the supply chain also gives more brands the possibility of rapid expansion of volume.

If you want to find an excellent source supplier in this huge track of “secondary acceleration” and empower the development of the brand, the 20 companies below must not be missed:

Wine/drink supply chain TOP10

Strengthen competitiveness and meet consumer demand one by one

With the rapid rise of the current tea industry, many founders of many chain catering companies can’t help complaining: money has made the beverage brand earning, and consumers take milk tea to the store for dinner.

But in this competition, the meal brand has the advantage of the first -mover. How to create a competitive beverage product to allow consumers to fully satisfy consumers in a consumer scene. It must be a compulsory course for all chain food companies.

If you want to find more competitive drink products, take a look at the 10 wine/drink supply chain companies below:

Hunan cuisine prefabrication supply chain TOP10

The rise of the category, the explosion continues

From the perspective of vegetables, Hunan cuisine has replaced Sichuan cuisine and has become the largest category of Chinese food.

Hunan cuisine can rise rapidly, and it has an inseparable relationship with the supply chain companies behind it.

In Changsha, there are a group of deep -cultivated products and highly focused prefabricated dishes supply chain leading enterprises. While researching the quality of the product, they make the product’s cost -effectiveness to the extreme; while focusing on the breakthroughs of the itemsCreated and build catering brandsHot sales and drainage products:

Coffee/tea supply chain top30

The pattern is first, focusing on the head

In 2022, the chain rate of Chinese coffee tea has exceeded 55%, and the data resumption in 2023 may exceed 60%.

From this data,The market structure of the current tea drink has been roughly shape, and the “window” left to the waist and tail brands is quickly closed.

This is not only the brand, but the supply chain is the same.

For the current beverage track, the head supply chain has basically become a “sure” choice.

These supply chain companies have taken root in the industry for many years, and have full insight into market trends and serve many head chain companies, so they can bring better and mature product solutions.

Below, let’s take a look at these excellent companies that stand out in the current production of beverage supply chain cards:

Packaging consumable supply chain top20

More stable, more mature, more efficient

Packaging consumables are easy to be ignored, but it is actuallyFirstLet consumers feelofOne of the brands.

Therefore, the quality of packaging directly determines the “first impression” of consumers.

There are complicated supply chain companies for packaging consumables, but there are differences between cloud and mud between mature brands and emerging brands.

From the perspective of materials, design, stability, and functionality, the current more mature packaging consumable supply chain enterprises can not only provide products that exceed expectations, but also a comprehensive leader in multiple dimensions such as defect rate and service response:

Warehousing Logistics TOP10

Catering chain, logistics first

If the catering chain wants to lay out quickly, the warehousing logistics must be a ring that cannot be detoured. What kind of warehousing and logistics suppliers should be selected at different stages have also become a problem that plagues many brands.

Compared with other industries, the catering industry has a higher demand for logistics. There are more SKUs, higher food safety standards, stricter temperature control, etc., and the restaurant industry has also set up a trend of “eating fresh” in the past two years, soHow to choose a matching and reliable partner has become the top priority.

Below, let’s take a look at the choice of more head chain brands. These warehousing and logistics supply chain companies have been cultivating in the industry for many years, becoming the “reliable partner” of many brands:

Catering equipment TOP20

Safe and reliable, empowerment chain

Only the old catering cannon knows how important the reliable equipment is.

When there is a problem with the equipment, it will affect the capacity of the whole day, and the heavy may lead to food safety and other problems.

Gradually move towards intelligencemajorCatering equipment helps catering companies solve the problems of multiple dimensions such as efficiency, safety, stability, standardization, and digital management.

Below, let’s take a look at the TOP20 of the catering equipment:


Hot, can be designed

Is it metaphysics?

In fact, behind the current -level catering brands, there are strict logic and models, so we can say that hotness can be designed.

The following 15 companies, they are good at victory, some are more than brand positioning, some are good at strategic consulting, some are good at capturing the needs and preferences of young people, and some are good at exploding stores through marketing.

Below, let’s take a look at the “behind the scenes” of these explosive stores:

Catering SaaS TOP15
Digital wisdom and capacity, cost reduction and efficiency
With the rapid development of the industry and the increase in chain rate, more and more companies have begun to recognize the importance of digitalization.
Whether it is cashier, management, entry and exit, business analysis, etc., digital and catering SaaS is providing comprehensive support for catering brands, allowing business data to be available, cost loss of cost loss, and improving efficiency.
In the future, with the acceleration of the development of chain, the demand for digitalization in the catering industry will inevitably increase. We believe that these excellent catering SaaS companies on the list can continuously iterate and evolve, bringing more help to the industry.

Catering supporting service TOP10

Reliable “helper” of catering people

As we all know, the construction of a store is a very complicated system engineering, not only novices, but even many old catering cannons will “step on lightning.”

Therefore, professional affairs are given to professional people, and when they encounter these store construction and difficult problems in daily operations, they may wish to hand over professional players in these professional tracks.

Employee clothing, safety, lighting design, lighting design, legal adviser, etc., can be handed over to these reliablehelper”:

Central Kitchen Construction

Complete central kitchen solution

With the acceleration of the chain, more and more brands have begun to transfer important battlefields to the central kitchen in order to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

However, the central kitchen of the entrance actually has a high threshold, especially for catering people who are better at products and stores, blind entry may bring food safety risks and compliance risks.

Therefore, we have selected 20 source supply chain companies that can deliver complete central kitchen solutions. Whether it is architectural design, decoration construction, ground floor, trench smoke, processing equipment, garbage systems, etc.Perfect solutions.


Congratulations to all of the above supply chain companies!Bleak

Sincerely hope that more excellent source supply chain companies will emerge in the industry, and these companies will hope that these companies can promote the high -speed and stable development of the industry.Bleak

Just in recent days, all the supply chain information of the villagers has announced, which has made us deeply feel that it is getting closer and closer to the times when the Chinese catering supply chain is fully disclosed.Bleak

Some brother’s supply chain hopes to promote this open and transparent era faster, and catering people and supply chain companies can break the information barriers to restrict the development of the industry earlier.Bleak

And this is also the original intention of our launch of this list. These excellent supply chain companies deserve more exposure and attention. Catering brands are also looking forward to connecting more head supply chain companies.

Finally, I sincerely thank the review partners in this event and each dining colleague who voted for the voting. It is your attention to make this list more gold.