Tower City: Volunteer service for environmental hygiene changes to help the city

China News Network Xinjiang News April 2 (Ana Guli Mill Khan Luo Haijing) In order to improve the living environment of the residents, help the establishment of civilized cities across the country, continue to create a clean and comfortable living environment, and improve the quality of life of residents. In the past few days, in the past few days,Township (towns) and streets in Tasheng City have continued to carry out cleaning home sanitary cleaning activities, beautifying homeland, and adding a bright color to urban civilization.
The General Party Branch of Heping Street Plaza Community has carried out the leadership of party members, driving the motivation of the people in the masses, organizing the units in the jurisdiction, and building a beautiful home.In this activity, the square community adheres to the leadership of the party building, the party members demonstrate the lead, use practical actions to maintain the environmental hygiene of the district, lead the residents around them with civilized behaviors, form a good atmosphere of everyone cared about homeland, everyone loves home, and everyone builds homeland.The hard -working hands are more beautiful to build the home.
The community of the east gate of Xincheng Street has carried out environmental sanitation operations, mainly including cleaning garbage, repairing sanitary facilities, and conducting related education and propaganda to help residents improve the living environment and enhance the awareness of environmental protection.
Through this operation, the environment in the community was effectively improved.In the next step, the party branch of the community of Dongmen Street in Xincheng Street will improve the level of community infrastructure construction, build a livable and ecological environment, and add bricks to the creation of a civilized urban area.
The Party Committee of the Second Industry Town organizes sinking cadres, the “two committees” of the village, and the villagers actively participating in the rural human settlement environment., Falling leaves, gravel, etc. to clean up and carefully clean up.Everyone picked up the firewood and the flames were high. After the joint efforts of everyone, the sanitary appearance of the villages (communities) of the two workers town was refreshing.
“This year’s national two sessions emphasize the importance of rural rejuvenation and the improvement of the living environment. Our Zuo Gong Temple Village of Erguo Town will actively respond to the national call and make every effort to carry out the living environment. Now rural life is getting better and better.Come and more beautiful, the garbage treatment in the village is more standardized, and the road has become cleaner. The villagers’ happiness index has increased and improved, and new vitality and vitality have been rejuvenated.Village! “Said Yang Ping, Secretary of the Party Branch of Zuogong Temple Village, Ergong Town.