What is the impact of exercise on health?Learn together

The two -day life of get off work every day makes people feel boring and unable to change.The busy work all day allows many people to sit in the position for a long time and lack exercise.After the class, he just lay on the sofa at home, brushed his mobile phone, watched the short video, and was drowsy.

In fact, many Chinese people have the problem of insufficient exercise, and this has also become a big killer.Data surveys show that about 27.5%of adults around the world have the problem of insufficient exercise.Long -term lack of exercise is likely to be related to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and colorectal cancer.

There are many differences on people who have been exercising for a long time, and people who do not exercise. You can also see a lot of differences. Maybe you can look at it. How many are you recruited?

Adhere to exercise and not exercise, the gap is reflected in 3 places

First of all, muscle strength differences are large

In people who insist on exercise and fitness, muscles are often more powerful.For example, those who insist on doing push -ups and sit -ups will have stronger upper limbs and waist and abdomen.Those who insist on running, jogging, and playing balls have stronger lower limbs, and the muscles on the legs are more robust.

In addition to the strong muscle on the outside, the strong muscle can also bring bone mass growth.The muscles are more healthy, and the toughness and strength of the bones can also prevent osteoporosis and osteo joint diseases to a certain extent.

The second is cardiopulmonary function

Those who insist on doing aerobic exercise can feel the exercise of the cardiopulmonary function during exercise.From the beginning, I was panting for 3 kilometers from the beginning, and then I insisted on running for 5 kilometers. I only felt that God was refreshing and breathing smoothly. This is the continuous enhancement of the cardiopulmonary function.

There is rhythmic breathing during exercise, which can improve the volume of the cardiopulmonary, continuously shrink and expand cardiopulmonary function. Through this contraction change, it can also pump blood in time to more places in the body and bring more benefits.

The third place is the spiritual face

People who have long -term exercise and people who do not exercise stand together, and the whole person’s spirit is very different.Exercise can help people vent their unhappy emotions, stimulate the secretion of dopamine and adrenaline in the human body in exercise, and keep excitement.People who are always sitting for a long time and nesting at home seem easier to be mentally sluggish and have no energy.

In contrast, it is better to insist on exercise for health.But for different people, age, physical quality and even personal preferences may affect selected sports. What exercise is better for health?

The best exercise list of all ages is announced, and do it according to it

Instead of exercising according to personal preferences, the best exercise list divided by the age standard, insisting on doing it, health may also benefit from this.

18 to 25 years old: Dingyan period

Sports recommendations: Aerobic exercise+strength training

During this period, the functions of the human body were in the heyday.Not only is organ development more complete, bones also need to storage bone mass. It is recommended to improve physical fitness through high -intensity exercise, continuously hoarding bone mass, and maintaining bone density.

For example, you can perform aerobic exercises such as running, yoga 3-5 times a week, and you can also train muscle growth through barbells and double bars to stimulate muscle growth. Bone growth is also greater help.

26 to 45 years old: high voltage period

Sports suggestion: Aerobic exercise+fat reduction exercise

Compared with the previous stage, after the age of 26, the human body may enter a high -pressure period of good health.Because women are pregnant and have children, they are more prone to abdominal fat accumulation and blessing.And men may also cause healthy neglects of health, which is more likely to bring more visceral fat and increase their waist circumference.

In addition to the most basic aerobic exercise, it should also be combined with fat reduction exercise.Muscle training is used to consume excess fat in the body, so as not to bring problems such as obesity and gastrointestinal diseases.

46 to 65 years old: aging period

Exercise suggestion: mainly to maintain the aerobic exercise of muscle strength

After more than 45 years of age, it is not recommended to train high -intensity muscle training. You can do more exercise items such as walking, jogging, eight sections, and Tai Chi.It can not only get rid of the burden brought by the intensity of exercise, but also avoid long -term restraint that is not good for health.

If you feel that your heartbeat is fast, sweaty, or panic, you should stop and rest in time to avoid hurting your body.

More than 65 years old: a high incidence period

Sports recommendations: Basic activity+stretching exercise

Even after the age of 65, even if they are real elderly, even if they are climbing stairs, brushing bowls, and walking, they may have problems such as falling, sprains, and joint wear due to the aging of the body.

If you have chronic diseases and cannot support exercise, you can choose static exercise, or basic exercise, such as climb stairs, housework, and dog walking dogs.Old people with good constitution can also carry out projects such as Tai Chi, Eight Duanjin, Gymnastics, Yoga and other items.