When tradition meets the future!Go to Guangzhou this traditional Chinese medicine culture inheritance and student health growth event | Culture China trip

In order to inherit the culture of traditional Chinese medicine and promote the healthy growth of students, from May 24th to 26th, “When the traditional meets the future-20124 Chinese medicine culture inheritance and student health growth and youth health literacy enhancement of public welfare action (Guangzhou Station)”Essence
One launching ceremony, 1 principal dialogue, 1 health promotion work seminar, 3 field surveys, 6 expert lectures … Nearly 200 representatives from 18 cities inside and outside the province gathered together in Guangzhou to discuss together.Path methods and experience results of medical culture inheritance to promote the healthy growth of students.At the same time, the popularization of Chinese medicine culture and aesthetics was opened. It provides a large Chinese traditional culture meal for Guangzhou primary and secondary school students and parents, and the public in Guangzhou who loves Chinese medicine culture.
The college alliance is established to share the popular science meal of Chinese medicine health
At the event site on the morning of the 25th, the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine signed an agreement with the Guangzhou Education Bureau of Guangzhou and the Health and Promotion Center of Guangzhou Primary and Middle School, and jointly entered the campus alliance with many hospitals in Guangdong.Inter -hospital linkage and resource joint use, jointly create a demonstration brand of Chinese medicine culture into the campus.
Focusing on the theme of “When Traditional Meet the Future”, Chen Qiujuan, director of the Lingnan Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, Zhang Zhongde, deputy president of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dean of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yu Lin, Dean of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital affiliated to Guangzhou Medical University, and Lin Weihong, secretary of the Guangzhou Foreign Languages ​​School, respectively.”Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Trends from Traditional to the Future”, “” Qihuang Huoling Miao Bacon “Chinese Medicine Culture Entering Campus”, “Following the Physical and Body Health of Youth”, “Cross -disciplinary Integration, Telling Cultural Confidence Story with Chinese Medicine”share.
Academician Wang Qi of the Chinese Academy of Engineering stated in a video message that the event construction platform allows schools from all over the country to share, discuss and carry out the practice of traditional Chinese medicine culture inheritance to promote the health of students.Traditional Chinese medicine culture is included in the overall arrangement of Chinese excellent traditional culture.
It is understood that at present, the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has formed a Chinese medicine cultural communication team with academicians, masters of Chinese medicine, nationwide Chinese medicine, and famous Chinese medicine medicine in Guangdong Province.Qu, promote the deep Chinese and children’s hearts in the hearts of children, and pour children’s “trees” of the beliefs of strengthening cultural self -confidence and cultivating family conditions.
At present, Guangzhou has formed a “college -school -home”, “point -line -face” combination of traditional Chinese medicine culture into the campus “concentric circle” vivid model, and explores a distinctive, replicated and promoted Chinese medicine culture to enter the campus.Essence
“I hope to use the traditional Chinese medicine culture as a carrier to promote the deep Chinese and children’s inner hearts in the cultivation of Chinese excellent traditional culture, so that our next generation can strengthen cultural self -confidence and plant family conditions.”In the process of entering the campus, I found that many students can adjust their diet and schedule with the wisdom of Chinese medicine in life and enhance their health management.At the same time, he said that traditional Chinese medicine culture should be combined with modern technology. “Students use the scientific and technological knowledge they have learned to conduct many small inventions and small creations on the traditional Chinese medicine tradition. Their creativity is beyond imagination, practical and creative.”
Medical and education synergy, build a paradigm of traditional Chinese medicine culture inheritance
“I think Chinese medicine is wonderful. Usually I will go to climb the mountain with my classmates, walk into nature to know Chinese herbal medicine.” Sun Zhongzhi, a sixth grade primary school student, told Yangcheng Evening News reporter that as a “little Chinese medicine man”, he must make the public moreUnderstand the culture of Chinese medicine and not allow Chinese medicine to be annihilated by the times.At the launching ceremony, the first 20 batch of Chinese medicine culture inheritance “Little Chinese Medicine” was awarded a certificate.
Mr. Xie Xie said, “I am a school doctor, so I have the shadow of traditional Chinese medicine in my life. The children have also exposed to a lot in the subtle way.Medical culture, healthy growth “.
How to enter “Chinese Medicine Culture into Campus”?During the event, the representatives walked into Chaotian Primary School, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, a century -old school, to conduct “Course Observation: Qihuang Guaoli · Bacon Casting Soul -Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Theme Study” and experience the school’s experience and practice of integrating Chinese medicine into the discipline;Entering the school of the Affiliated Central Bay District of Tsinghua, a number of principals launched a topic of “inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine culture to promote the healthy growth of students.”
In addition, the representatives walked into the Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Museum to visit the “Overseas Chinese Wallet, Yiziqi Huang -Overseas Chinese and Chinese Medicine Cultural Exhibition” to understand the inheritance and development of Chinese medicine culture and overseas dissemination.The exhibition will last until July 12.During the exhibition, the audience can visit the historical scenes of the Chinese herbal medicine specimen, the historical scene of the Chinese medicine shop, and the precious Chinese medicine books, and fully experience the charm of traditional Chinese medicine in the colorful Chinese medicine cultural experience activities.
Traditional Chinese medicine free consultation, Guangzhou old -fashioned Chinese medicine company display, sachet production, medicated tasting … From the afternoon of the 24th to noon, “when traditional meets the future -Chinese Medicine Culture Market · Lao Zee China Bank” was held simultaneously.In the future -Chinese Medicine Culture Market · Lao Zee China Bank “sets interactive booths with concepts such as five elements, five sound therapy, five -color knowledge, and five flavors., Let citizens experience the wisdom of Chinese medicine.
In recent years, the country has attached great importance to the development of Chinese medicine, and has placed the development of traditional Chinese medicine at an important position at the national development strategy.The Guangzhou Primary and Middle School Health and Health Promotion Center has established a “Chinese medicine culture inheritance to promote the healthy growth of students” since 2019. It strives to carry out a series of exploration and practice with the “overall view of overall views” and “not illness” of traditional Chinese medicine culture.
This series of activities is directed by the Communist Party of China and the Guangzhou Education Bureau of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China.The Chinese Student Nutrition and Health Promotion Association, the National College Student Cultural Quality Education Base of the University of China, and the Guangzhou Lailer Association.
Text | Reporter Zhu Jiale intern Huang QizhenCorrespondent Feng YuFigure | Activity party provided