Whether they are athletes or audiences, they are sports participants in large walls!


Reconstruction “Shen” brand

exist“Breaking the” Shen “brand”In the column, Xiao Xuan told you that the Shanghai Prison Gathering transformed the people in the large wall and let the people outside the wall live a good life.The top -level design and global practice of the growth of the Shanghai Prison Reconstruction brand “Shen”.Let me take you to see the exciting scene of the opening ceremony of the second prisoner sports festival of Shanghai Prison today.

On the morning of May 8th, Beixinyu Prison.

Under the leadership of the police, a group of prisoners in a “lattice prison uniform” held a brand with 15 prison prisons in the city and entered the stadium with a neat queue.This is the scene at the opening ceremony of the second prisoner’s sports festival in Shanghai Prison.

Under the strict organizational management of the whole process, the prisoners in the large wall may become a sweaty and enthusiastic competition player, or the cheering audience who feels sports charm in cheering.In the Sports Festival, all prisoners are participants in sports.

Directly hit the opening ceremony scene


Under the leadership of the police, the prisoner athlete queue entered the field

The opening ceremony of the Sports Festival on the National Flag Raiders

The representative of the police officer swore

Under the command and leadership of the police, the prisoner team entered uniformly in a neat step. Their standard square matrix and bright slogans showed a good prison transformation.

The flag -raising ceremony opened the opening ceremony of the opening ceremony of the sports festival.Representatives of the referees and representatives of prisoner athletes vowed respectively to inspire the athletes to work hard and make friendship in the competition!

Executive Vice Chairman of the Municipal Sports FederationZhao GuangshengIn his speech, the Shanghai Prison Administration held the second prisoner’s sports festival, which was not only an important part of the extensive development of national fitness activities, but also a display of sports literacy and mental appearance of all prisoners.He encouraged the prisoners to stir up his strength in the name of sports, carry forward the spirit of hard work, and use the fire of sports to maintain healthy body and mind, actively serving the transformation of prison, and welcome a new future.

Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Municipal Prison AdministrationYang JunyiAnnounce the opening of Shanghai Prison’s Second Prisoner Sports Festival.On behalf of the city’s prison system, he expressed his sincere gratitude to all sectors of society who had long been concerned about prison work, and expressed his sincere greetings to the major prison policemen who worked hard.He pointed out that the theme of this sports festival is “promoting the spirit of sports and planting the patriotic feelings”, which aims to allow prisoners to stir up the thoughts and wills of good and never abandoning sports culture in sports and experience sports culture.He demanded that each prison takes the sports festival as an opportunity to carry out a variety of cultural and sports activities, entertain music, and educate people, promote the creation of “punishment, training, repentance, and good” in prison, promoting observance of discipline, unity, unity, unity, unity, unity, unityCollaborative sports spirit.

The main leaders of Beixinyu Prison gave the opening speech, and extended a warm welcome to the guests, media reporters, police referees, and competition staff. They hoped that the participating athletes would fight hard and dare to compete in this sports festival.Essence

Sports and education correction


Nanhui Prison Show Tai Chi

As a functional prison for the centralized management and transformation of old and disabled criminals in the city, Nanhui Prison actively introduced Tai Chi, a Chinese excellent traditional culture.Quietness, understanding the culture of life in the transformation of punishment, and guiding them to develop a life attitude towards good, beautiful, and hopeful.

Baoshan Prison shows physical and mental balance technique

In carrying out the correction of physical and mental balance surgery, Baoshan Prison focuses on the characteristics of detained criminals, pays attention to focusing on the behavior mode of prisoners in the action design, and guides them to improve their ability to grasp and control emotion in one move and one way.The prisoner tried to take the initiative to self -correct the defects in the perception, so that the physical and mental balance was retrieved.

Beixinye Prison Group Gymnastics Show “Da Ya Guo Feng”

Beixinyu Prison organized prisoners to perform large -scale group gymnastics performances and named it “Great Elegant State”. The purpose was to let them feel the integration of tradition and modern, cultural and sports, thereby appreciating the beauty of the national style and the charm of sports.Under the organization of the police, the prisoners in the rehearsal of the national style dance and formation change, which has subtly enhanced the team awareness and collective honor.

Beginning in 2023, the Shanghai Prison Administration expanded the prisoner’s sports sports meeting as the sports festival of prisoners.This is an important initiative to promote the concept of education and transformation, and it is also a vivid practice of the concept of sharing and sharing of sports culture.

In the Second Sports Festival this year, prisoners will participate in various methods such as sports competition, sports and fitness, watching the theme of sports power, and listening to the preaching of well -known athletes.The prisoners maintain a positive, sunshine, and healthy mentality to help them renovate and return smoothly.

The Beixinyu Prison, which hosted the opening ceremony, has always carried out cultural and sports activities as an important content and carrier for educational transformation. In the past ten years, eight sports festivals (meetings) have been held in the past ten years. The vigorous development of sports has effectively enriched the transformation of prisoners.This year, the prison will further enrich the competition items, improve the guarantee mechanism, and work together to make the sports festival into a high -level transformation project to help build a brand of high -quality criminal transformation.

Shanghai Radio and Television Station five -star sports channel, rule of law world channel, Shanghai Education TV Station, Xinmin Evening News and other media interviewed throughout the process.

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Editor: Tang Yingjie

Supply: Liu Yujun, Shi Yuan, Li Wenzheng


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